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Additional Author Notes: Double Dare

May 2, 2016.Tasha Wheelhouse.0 Likes.0 Comments

This is very close to an experience of mine while living in Flagstaff Arizona as a kid. The majority of the details regarding what the playground looked like in my youth are fairly accurate. I couldn’t find any pictures of the old houses that lined the back of my old school, or I would show it to you. But a fear of a stranger looking in on me sleeping in that house was prevalent. I would often have nightmares while we lived in that house, vivid dreams that today haven’t left my memory 20 years later. I once experienced a full week of dreaming that I didn’t understand until much later in my adult life. I was 6,and I had a recurring dream where as I first fell asleep, I would wake up and there were two of me. One sleeping in my bed, and the ‘other me’ standing over myself. I knew the ‘other me’ could fly, so I would jump out of my window like Wendy did in Peter Pan. I would have a crazy adventures in another world away from here, and then at mornings light, I flew back through my window to my ‘first me’ in bed. I would lie down next to her until I became one with the sleeping ‘first me’. That very second I would wake up and sit up in my bed. Leaving my body behind as a spirit, and coming back to it in the morning was a recurring starter and ending dream that happened for weeks. So much so I began to wonder why I would dream of it so much. Eventually it stopped and I forgot completely about it into my adult years.

Later I was watching “So Weird” I found on Youtube, an old Disney scare show I liked as a kid.  The episode had to do with a young girl within a coma, lost inside her self somewhere, and sending the main character girl after her to find her and bring her out of her sleep. It was a subject regarding Astral Projection. Where a person consciously separates their spirit from their body to explore on another worldly plane. I stopped whatever I was doing and watched the episode with interest. The girl in a coma eventually found her right place to bring back her spirit to her body and wake up. A flood of memories came back to me wondering if I’d watched that show and have it scare me into having that bizarre recurring (albeit short routine) dream.

The show “So Weird” had a run from 1999-2001. I was experiencing these dreams in 1994. I was puzzled. I couldn’t imagine where I would have picked something like that up subconsciously as a little girl who watched “Fraggle Rock” and “Rugrats”. I’m not saying I explored Astral Projection….. but a lot of me doesn’t want to rule it out either. I was so young and innocent of what I was doing, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real and I stumbled on it by accident.


Categories: Episode Notes

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